Wofoo Leaders' Network: Life Education Programme
2024-09-25 to 2024-09-27
Enquiry: enquiry@wln.hk
The program took place from June to August 2024, recruiting over 50 young individuals to embark on a special journey to explore the meaning of life. The youth were guided through the Aberdeen Chinese Permanent Cemetery, the Wo Hop Shek Cemetery, and the Hung Hom Funeral Area, encouraging them to reflect on the meanings of loss, death, and the connections and wisdom of living. Participants experienced simulated funerals, practiced coffin preparation, and designed their own farewell ceremonies, allowing them to comprehend possession and loss, as well as the essence of life and death.
The youth have expressed their thoughts on life and death through a series of artworks, which will be shared with the public in an exhibition. Exhibitor hoped that the audience can feel the passion of young people for life, engage in discussions about life and death, understand the journey of life, and learn to live in the present.
For more details, please click here.